Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation

Game Theory, Crowd Dynamics, Innovation, Cascade Spreading, and Disaster Response Management

(includes contributions on the proportional imitation rule, self-organized conventions, as well as the co-evolution of spatio-temporal social organization and cooperation in mobility games)

1. Proportional Imitation Rule and Microscopic Foundation of Game-Dynamical Equations for Social Systems

2. Self-Organization of Behavioral Conventions in Coordination Games; Spontaneous Symmetry-Breaking and Preferred Side of Walking

3. Stochastic Formulation of Game-Dynamical and Other Sociologically Relevant Equations

4. Migration, Success-Driven Motion, and Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formation

5. Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formation and Cooperation

6. Experimental Games with Many Iterations; Emergence of Turn-Taking (Alternating Cooperation) in the Route Choice Dilemma Game

7. Evolution of Norms and Spreading of Costly Punishment

8. Opinion Formation

9. Collective Behavior, Swarm Intelligence, Crowd Behavior, and Pedestrians

10. Cascade-Like Spreading and Disaster Response Management

11. Innovation

12. Books and Reviews




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