Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation




Groningen, Netherlands

TEDx Groningen
Dirk Helbing's speech: Digital Power – How everyone can profit from the digital revolution

Live stream:

Nov 20, 2014

Session 2 17:00 – 19:00

Bern, Switzerland 12. Tagung für Informatik und Recht
Dirk Helbing's talk: Big Data Governance
Nov 5, 2014
Turin, Italy Dirk Helbing is giving a talk about: Creating a Planetary Nervous System with the Internet of Things: A Major Challenge of the Second Machine Age Oct 27, 2014
St. Gallen, Switzerland Öffentliche NWG-Vortragsreihe an der Universität St.Gallen:
Daten und Codes – Information in der Natur und ihre Verwendung in den Naturwissenschaften
Future IT – durch Sammeln von Daten die Welt verstehen
Nov 5, 2014
Wien, Austria
4. Ernst Mach Forum. Wissenschaft im Dialog - Big Data
Wie kommt Sinn in die großen Zahlen?
Oct 29, 2014
Trier, Germany
37. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: "Routinen der Krise - Krise der Routinen"

Talk: Modeling the Emergence of Social Complexity and Order

Oct 9, 2014

Strasbourg, France

Symposium Cooperation: a third pillar of evolution

Talk: Modeling the Evolution of Social Complexity and Order

Oct 1, 2014
Lucca, Italy Satellite Meeting: Quantifying Success 2.0: Towards a Global Systems Science and Transitions in Discrete Choice
Sept 24, 2014
Lucca, Italy Dirk Helbing is giving a talk at the ECCS '14 on:
Digital Society and Economy 4.0 - The Ultimate Challenges for Complexity Science
Sept 23, 2014
Rostock, Germany
Annual meeting of Leopoldina, German Academy of Sciences

Dirk Helbing is giving a talk in German language: "Von selbstregulierendem Verkehr zum Bau eines Planetaren Nervensystems"

Sept 20,
2014, 11:00
Lipari, Italy Dirk Helbing is guest speaker at the Lipari School on Computional Complex Systems 2014 (Smart Cities): "Self-Organization and Self-Optimization of Traffic Flows on Freeways and in Urban Networks". July 27– August 2, 2014
Rhodes, Greece
Dirk Helbing will hold a speech on the SigmaPhi2014 International Conference. July 7–11, 2014
Hoboken, New Jersey and New York City Dirk Helbing will give a keynote talk on CESUN 2014 (4th International Engineering Systems Symposium) on June 9, 2014. June 9, 2014
UC Berkeley, USA
"FuturICT – Systems Resilience in the Digital Society". Satellite Event of the NetSci'14 (International School and Conference on Network Science). June 3, 2014
swissnex, San Francisco, USA
What if the Big One Hits? Hacking Earthquake Resilience. Join data scientists from ETH Zurich FuturICT and UC Berkeley Smart Cities Research Center for a 12-hour hackathon at swissnex San Francisco aimed at facilitating a resilient local response.
May 31, 2014
New York City, USA Zürich meets New York: A Festival of Swiss Ingenuity. May 16–23, 2014. Dirk Helbing will contribute to the seminar "The Fascinating World of Complex Systems" on May 21, 2014 at the New York Academy of Sciences. May 21, 2014
Balatonfüred, Hungary
International School on Network Science: Dirk Helbing speaks about Networks and FuturICT May 19, 2014
"Global unterwegs", ETH Zurich Short lecture of Dirk Helbing at the ETH event "Global unterwegs". Subject: "Economy 4.0
Wie sich unsere Welt zur Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft wandelt und welche Chancen und Risiken damit verbunden sind."
(in German)
April 13, 2014
"Science Talk" Special, ETH Zurich "Science Talk" Special: Urs Rohner, Präsident des Verwaltungsrats der Credit Suisse trifft Dirk Helbing, Professor für Soziologie an der ETH Zürich zum Gespräch über das Zeitalter mobiler Daten, was es bringt, wohin es führt und wie wir uns darauf vorbereiten können. Moderation: Rolf Probala (in German) April 9, 2014
Forum Humanum, Planetarium, Hamburg, DE
Dirk Helbing is invited to the lecture series of the Udo-Keller-Stiftung "Forum Humanum": "Ökonomie 2.0: Wie eine selbstregulierende, partizipative Marktgesellschaft Krisen überwinden kann" (in german).
Mar. 25, 2014
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan Talk at the International Symposium on Service Systems Science 2014: "FuturICT - A Planetary Nervous System and Other Social Information Technologies to Benefit Society". Feb. 24, 2014
SGO Themenabend, Zunfthaus zur Meisen, Zurich
SGO Themenabend: "BIG DATA – Fluch oder Segen?!". Reviews and panel discussion, with a contribution of Dirk Helbing.
January 28, 2014
TU Delft, Netherlands
Dirk Helbing has been awarded an honorary PhD from the TU Delft.

172nd Dies Natalis at TU Delft.

January 10, 2014
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE
Max-von-Laue-Kolloquium der Physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin: Dirk Helbing is talking in German about "Die Wissenschaft des Sozialen und was die Physik dazu beitragen kann".
Nov. 28, 2013
Hotel Radisson Blu and KKL, Luzern, CH
Dirk Helbing is talking at the Swiss ICT Symposium 2013: "ICT Werkplatz Schweiz-wohin? Schweizer Innovationen, Technologien, Märkte: 20 Referenten nehme Stellung". Keynote: "Economics 2.0: Wie Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft revolutionieren".
Nov. 12, 2013
Paulus-Akademie Zürich, CH
"Der Gläserne Mensch II – Was ist privat, was Öffentlich? - Teil 2: Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit".
Dirk Helbing is speaking in German language about: "Einblicke in das Private durch Privatfirmen".
Oct. 29, 2013
Parmenides Foundation, Munich, DE
Dirk Helbling holds a speech at
Parmenides Center for the Conceptual Foundations of Science: "Economy 2.0: Towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society to Counter Complexity and Extreme Events". 11:00–12:30, Parmenides Foundation, Pullach.
Oct. 17, 2013
TUM Frontiers in Science and Technology, Munich, DE
TUM Frontiers in Science and Technology – Talk by Prof. Dirk Helbing "Globally Networked Risks and How to Respond". The talk can be attended without previous notice.
Oct. 16, 2013
Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, CH
Conference: Probabilistic Modeling in Science and Philosophy, organized by University of Bern and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
at University of Bern. Talk of Dirk Helbing: "Globally Networked Risks and How to Respond".
Oct. 11–12, 2013
TEDx Martigny, CH
Dirk Helbing is giving a talk at TEDx Martigny event.
Sept. 26, 2013
2013 Visions in Science Conference, MPI-CBG, Dresden, DE

Conference Series Visions in Science organized by the Max Planck PhDnet:
Shaping the Future. Dirk Helbing is giving a talk on: "Economics 2.0: Towards a self-regulating, participatory market society to counter complexity and extreme events".
Sept. 23, 2013
ECCS 2013, Barcelona, Spain
Dirk Helbing is giving invited talks on September 19, 2013 at the following satellite workshops (titles of the talks to be announced) in Barcelona, Spain:
Sept. 19, 2013
ECCS 2013, Barcelona, Spain
ECCS'13 (European Conference on Complex Systems) will be a major international conference and event in the area of complex systems and interdisciplinary science in general. It will offer unique opportunities to study novel scientific approaches in a multitude of application areas.
Sept. 16–20, 2013
ESSA 2013, Warsaw, Poland
ESSA 2013: 9th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association
Warsaw School of Economics. Dirk Helbing is giving a keynote talk: "Towards Simulating the Foundations of Society".
Sept. 18, 2013
Open Knowledge Conference, Geneva, CH
Dirk Helbing is giving a talk at the opening of the Open Knowledge Conference on: "Economy 2.0: Towards A Self-Regulating, Open, Participatory Market Society". Video of the talk.
Sept. 16, 2013
Virginia Tech and the foundation Global Risk Forum GRF Davos, CH
Dirk Helbing at 4th Conference On Community Resiliency which is is jointly organised by the Virginia Tech and the foundation Global Risk Forum GRF Davos, in Davos, Switzerland. He will give a keynote talk: "Towards a Self-Regulating, Participatory Market Society to Counter Complexity and Extreme Events" (registration needed).
Aug. 29–30, 2013
Stiftung für Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit, Basel, Symposium in Zurich, CH
Dirk Helbing is giving a talk on "Big Data" (in German Language) "Das Potenzial durch Big Data " at the 18th Symposiums on Privacy and Security organized by "Stiftung für Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit, Basel" in Zurich, Switzerland (registration needed).
Aug. 28, 2013
Dirk Helbing will hold a presentation on the worlds first "society simulator".
Jun. 11, 2013
Dirk Helbing spricht auf der Konferenz der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Berlin: "Der Wandel der Sicherheitskultur als Herausforderung für die Politik", am 14. Mai 2013 in Berlin zum Thema: "Verantwortung und Haftung bei komplexen Sicherheitsgefährdungen". May 14, 2013
Dirk Helbing will give a talk as special guest at the "Innovation Playground 20by20 Presentations Show (Part II)" within the Innovations Forum.
May 9, 2013
Dirk Helbing will give a lecture on pedestrian flows at the UZH course "Urban Psychologie" in Zurich. Mar. 3, 2013
Prof. Helbing is invited speaker at the annual meeting of the AAAS in Boston. He will speak about the topic: Towards Simulating the Foundations of Society. Feb. 16, 2013
An upcoming lecture related to the Physics Colloquium of the University of Ulm: "Rethinking Macroeconomics Based on Complexity Theory", given by Prof. Helbing.
Feb. 04, 2013
  • ETH Zurich
Dirk Helbing has been awarded the prestigious ERC Advanced Investigator Grant, among 12 ETH professors.
For more information see ETH Life.
Jan. 30, 2013
Dirk Helbing is giving a talk on "FuturICT - Global Participatory Computing for Our Complex World" at Nanyang University Singapore January 18th 2013. For more information see here. Jan. 18, 2013
Prof. Helbing presents the topic "The FuturICT knowledge accelerator: Participatory computing to understand and manage our complex world in a more sustainable and resilient way" at the workshop on "Risk and Uncertainty in Changing society", organised by the UCSIA. Nov. 23, 2012
Prof. Helbing präsentiert einen Vortrag Über "Kollektive Entscheidungen - Modelle und Experimente mit Überraschungen" zum Studium Generale der Universität Mainz.
Nov. 7, 2012
What physics can contribute to social sciences is one of the topics Prof. Helbing touches in his talk about "Physics in the science of social systems".
Oct. 31, 2012
  • ETH Zurich
The Chair of Sociology, in particular of modeling and simulation, is looking for two highly motivated postdocs. The full job offer can be found here. Sep. 05, 2012
  • ETH Zurich
FuturICT - Participatory Computing for Our Complex World
«Videos Online»
Mar. 21, 2012
The wisdom of crowds

The strange but extremely valuable science of how pedestrians behave

Dec. 17, 2011
News mining might have predicted Arab Spring

Signs of impending social and political change may lie hidden in a sea of news reports.

Sep. 13, 2011
Wenn die Masse zur Bedrohung wird (in German, Automatic English Translation)

Nicht erst seit dem Unglück bei der Loveparade in Duisburg erforschen Wissenschaftler das Risikopotenzial großer Menschenmassen. Neue Simulationen sollen den gefürchteten Crowd Quake jetzt realistischer simulieren.

Aug. 16, 2011
Es braucht ein neues Finanzsystem (in German, Automatic English Translation)
Zwei ETH-Wissenschaftler erklären, warum die Weltwirtschaft krank ist, Adam Smith unrecht hatte – und wir ganz anders über Geld nachdenken müssen.
Aug. 15, 2011
Science 2.0: Beschleunigung der Innovation (in German, Automatic English Translation) Jul. 20, 2011
Wenn Gier die Gesellschaft zerstört (in German, Automatic English Translation)

Ein bisschen Eigennutz tut allen gut, doch zu viel davon lässt das System einstürzen: Zwei Forscher der ETH zeigen am Computer, wie Gier eine Gesellschaft zerstört.

Jul. 12, 2011
Rechenmodelle sollen Katastrophen vorhersagen(in German, English translation) Jun. 23, 2011
When We're Cowed by the Crowd

Anew study by Swiss scientists suggests that the interconnectedness of modern life might be making it even harder to benefit from our collective intelligence.

May 28, 2011
  • Science
What Causes Deadly 'Crowd-Quakes'?

Apr. 22, 2011
Predicting crowd behaviour Apr. 21, 2011
A More Human Virtual Crowd

A new vision-based approach could help prevent crowd disasters.

Apr. 20, 2011
Wisdomabout Crowds

To model the behaviour of humans en masse, treat them as people, not molecules

Apr. 20, 2011
How crowds move: because people want to be free Apr. 19, 2011
Earth project aims to 'simulate everything' Dec. 28, 2010
Physik der Finanzmärkte

(in German, English translation).

Dec. 22, 2010
Draußen eigene Wege gehen(in German, English translation). Aug. 2010
Panikforschung: Selbst Mekka ist beherrschbar (in German, English translation). Jul. 26, 2010
Nutzt die Möglichkeiten des Computers! (in German, English translation).

Wie entstehen Massenpaniken? Und noch wichtiger: Wie lassen sich Tragödien wie in Duisburg verhindern?

Jul. 26, 2010
Current Driving Conditions Michigan Jul. 16, 2010
Who should pay for the police? Jul. 14, 2010
Im Wunderland – wir haben eine kognitive Grenze überschritten(in German, English translation) Jun. 23, 2010
»Publication of"The future of social experimenting"in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS): click here for more detailed discussion. Mar. 15, 2010
  • dgesslogo
»new semester, fall term:

click here for SOMS courses

Sep. 15, 2009
»Towards a socio-economic knowledge accelerator Aug. 5, 2009
»about the Workshop on "Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems" Jul. 25, 2009
»CCSS Conference pictures and videos online Jul. 12, 2009
»Microscopic Modeling of Human and Automated Driving: Towards Traffic-Adaptive Cruise Control by Arne Kesting wins "Best Dissertation Award 2009" of ITSS Society!

Jul. 21, 2009
»TV appearance of Dresden team members:
August 12th, 2009 - ZDF Abenteuer Wissen
November 16th, 2009 - 3sat Hitec
(Topics: Traffic Science)
Jul. 20, 2009
»Naissance Newsletter: Lost Robustness Apr. 22, 2009
  • dgesslogo
»new D-GESS Professor:
Prof. Ryan O. Murphy
"Assistant professor of decision theory and behavioral game theory"
new location: UNO B 13, Universitätstrasse 41
Apr. 22, 2009
»Article in WIRED Science and YouTube video on the Outbreak of Cooperation Feb. 23, 2009
»Publication of "The outbreak of cooperation among success-driven individuals under noisy conditions" in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) Feb. 23, 2009
»Agenda of DPG annual meeting released (March 22nd - 27th 2009) Jan. 12, 2009
»Prof. Dirk Helbing has been elected to be a member of the German Academy of Sciences "Leopoldina" Dec. 05, 2008
»Crowd-Vision by Anders Johansson wins "Crowded Places Idea" Award 2008! Nov. 12, 2008
  • lizzy
  • »We are looking for students interested on developing their master thesis within our Living Science project ( A tentative list of possible topics follows (more details will be provided directly to candidates):
  • User management functionalities for Living Science website.
  • Representation of large amounts of data on Google Maps API.
  • Name disambiguation.
  • Geocoding of contact data.
  • Other aspects of the project such as database management and text parsing.
  • zurich
»International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems 2009

ETH Zurich (Switzerland), June 8-13, 2009

»Officical openning of the Competence Center: "Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems" Sep. 23, 2008
  • P1000471
»Workshop Summary:
International Workshop on Challenges and Visions in the Social Sciences
ETH Zurich (Switzerland), August 18-23, 2008
Aug. 28, 2008
  »Video recording of Dirk Helbing's Inaugural Lecture Apr. 10, 2008
  »Note: Due to the new obligations and huge amount of work related with his change of universities and fields, Prof. Helbing was not involved in crowd management and control projects in 2007 and 2008. Announcement

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