Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation

Response in the Media



Various responses (2014)

Response to Migration of Professionals to the U.S. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8851 (2014), 531-543.

Response to A network framework of cultural history in Science 345 (2014) 558-562.

Response to The Hidden Geometry of Complex, Network-Driven Contagion Phenomena in Science 342 (2013) 1337–1342.

Response to Globally Networked Risks and How to Respond in Nature 497 (2013) 51-59.

Response to Resilience of Natural Gas Networks during Conflicts, Crises and Disruptions in PLoS ONE 9 (2014).

Response to Crowd Disasters as Systemic Failures: Analysis of the Love Parade Disaster, EPJ Data Science 1 (2012) 1-40.

Response to Self-stabilizing decentralized signal control of realistic, saturated network traffic in Santa Fe Institute (2010) 1-19.

Response to How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect in PNAS 108 (2011) 9020-9025.

Response to Optimal traffic organization in ants under crowded conditions in Nature 428 (2004) 70-73.

Response to Mexican waves in an excitable medium in Nature 419 (2002) 131-132.

Response to Simulating dynamical features of escape panic in Nature 407 (2000) 487-490.

Response to "Coherent moving states in highway traffic" in Nature 396 (1998) 738-740.

Response to "Jams, waves, and clusters" in Science 282 (1998) 2001-2003.

Response to "Modelling the evolution of human trail systems" in Nature 388 (1997) 47-50.


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