Data Science
Letters in Journals
- M. Schich, C. Song, Y. Y. Ahn, A. Mirsky, Martino, M., Barabási, A. L., & Helbing,D. (2014) A network framework of cultural history. Science 345(6196), 558-562.
- D. Brockmann and D. Helbing (2013) The hidden geometry of complex, network-driven contagion phenomena. Science 342(6164), 1337–1342.
- M. Moussaïd, D. Helbing, and G. Theraulaz (2011)How simple rules determine pedestrian behavior and crowd disasters. PNAS 108 (17) 6884-6888.
- D. Helbing and W. Yu (2010) The future of social experimenting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) 107(12), 5265-5266.
Articles in Journals
- C. Schulz, A. Mazloumian,
A. M. Petersen, O. Penner, and D. Helbing (2014). Exploiting
citation networks for large-scale author name disambiguation. EPJ Data Science 2014, 3(11).
- T. Chadefaux (2014) Early warning signals for war in the news Journal of Peace Research 51(1)
- J. Manitz, T. Kneib, M. Schlather, D. Helbing, and D. Brockmann (2014) Origin
Detection During Food-borne Disease Outbreaks – A Case Study of the 2011 EHEC/HUS Outbreak in Germany. PLOS
Currents Outbreaks 1.
- R. Carvalho, L. Buzna,
F. Bono, M. Masera, D. K. Arrowsmith, and D. Helbing (2014)
Resilience of natural gas networks during conflicts, crises and
disruptions. PLOS ONE, 9(3), e90265.
- A. Mazloumian, D. Helbing, S. Lozano, R. P. Light and K. Börner (2013) Global multi-level analysis of the 'Scientific Food Web'. Scientific Reports 3, 1167.
- R. Bhavnani, K. Donnay, D. Miodownik, M. Mor and D. Helbing (2013) Group segregation and urban violence. American Journal of Political Science doi: 10.1111/ajps.12045.
- C. Leduc, K. Padberg-Gehle, V. Varga, D.Helbing, S. Diez, and J. Howard (2012) Molecular
crowding creates traffic jams of kinesin motors on microtubules. PNAS. 109(16), 6100–6105
- T.Preis, D. Y. Kenett, H. E. Stanley, D. Helbing, and E. Ben-Jacob (2012) Quantifying the behavior of stock correlations under market stress. Scientific Reports 2, 752.
- K. Trantopoulos, M. Schläpfer, D. Helbing. (2011). Toward Sustainability of complex urban systems through techno-social reality mining. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45(15), 6231 - 6232.
- A. Mazloumian, Y-H. Eom, D. Helbing, S. Lozano, andS. Fortunato (2011) How citation boosts promote scientific paradigm shifts and Nobel Prizes. PLoS ONE 6(5), e18975.
- R. Conte, N. Gilbert, G. Bonelli, and D. Helbing (2011) FuturICT
and social sciences: Big data, big thinking. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40(5), 412–413.
- M. Treiber, A. Kesting, and D. Helbing (2010) Three-phase
traffic theory and two-phase models with a fundamental diagram in the light of empirical stylized facts. Transportation
Research Part B 44(8-9), 983-1000.
- M. Moussaïd, D. Helbing, S. Garnier, A. Johansson, M. Combe, and G. Theraulaz (2009) Experimental study of the behavioural mechanisms underlying self-organization in human crowds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276, 2755–2762 [doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.0405].
- J. R.G. Dyer, A. Johansson, D. Helbing, I. D. Couzin, and J. Krause (2009) Leadership,
consensus decision making and collective behaviour in humans. Phil. Trans.
R. Soc. B 364(1518), 781-789.
- D. Helbing, M. Treiber, A. Kesting, and M. Schönhof (2009) Theoretical
vs. empirical classification and prediction of congested traffic states. European Physical Journal
B 69(4), 583-598.
- M. Schönhof and D. Helbing (2007) Empirical features of congested traffic states and
their implications for traffic modeling. Transportation Science 41(2), 135-166.
- A. Johansson, D. Helbing, and P. S. Shukla (2007) Specification of the social force pedestrian model by evolutionary adjustment to video tracking data. Advances in Complex Systems 10, 271-288.
- D. Helbing, A. Johansson, and H. Z. Al-Abideen (2007) The dynamics of crowd disasters: An empirical study. Physical Review E 75, 046109.
- D. Helbing, M. Schönhof, H.-U. Stark, and J. A. Holyst (2005) How
individuals learn to take turns: Emergence of alternating cooperation in a congestion game and the prisoner's dilemma. Advances
in Complex Systems 8, 87-116.
- D. Helbing, U. Witt, S. Lämmer, and T. Brenner (2004) Network-induced
oscillatory behavior in material flow networks and irregular business cycles. Physical Review E 70, 056118.
- D. Helbing (2004) Dynamic
decision behavior and optimal guidance through information services: Models and experiments. Pages 47-95 in: M. Schreckenberg and R. Selten (eds.) Human
Behaviour and Traffic Networks (Springer, Berlin).
- R. Kölbl and D. Helbing (2003) Energy laws in human
travel behaviour. New Journal of Physics 5, 48.1-48.12.
- M. Treiber, A. Hennecke, and D. Helbing (2000) Congested traffic states
in empirical observations and microscopic simulations. Physical Review E 62, 1805-1824.
- M. Treiber and D. Helbing (1999) Macroscopic simulation of widely
scattered synchronized traffic states. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical
and General 32, L17-L23.
For further publications relevant for Data Science see the FuturICT section.