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For further videos, see the Vimeo FuturICT channel
Talks and Lectures: | |
Dirk Helbing explains the Planetary Nervous System Project - a Global Participatory Platform and talks about Social Information Technologies. Or summarized: How to Create a Better World. Keynote at the State of the Map, June 14, 2014. |
Dirk Helbing gives an introduction on FuturICT and Cybersecurity at the Global Dialogue on Confidence Building Measures and International Cyber Security organized by ICT4Peace, Zurich, June 20 and 21, 2013. |
FuturICT – A CERN for the Social Sciences, Dirk Helbing highlights the importance to create an open, value-oriented information system for the world in order to solve the complex challenges in the society of the 21st century. Proposal at CERN, May 2013. |
Speech of Dirk Helbing in which he explains the need of a participatory market system: Socionomics - A New Approach to Sustainability Calling for Novel Science, Technology and Arts. Singapore, May 2013. |
Dirk Helbing receives the Golden Idea Award, October 1, 2012 |
Talk of Dirk Helbing, Spontaneous Outbreak and Breakdown of Cooperation and Coordination, September 2012 |
Talk of Dirk Helbing on FuturICT at the Out of the Box Conference, May 15-17 2012 | |
Dirk Helbing Special Session with World Thinkers including the Dalai Lama at the Out of the Box Conference in Maribor, May 15-17 2012 | |
Dirk Helbing's Speech on FuturICT at Swissnex Conference 2012 |
What is FuturICT? Dirk Helbing explains. |
Dirk Helbing at Econo:Me Conference, May 11, 2012 |
Interview with Dirk Helbing with the Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences, March 21, 2012 |
Interview with Michael Mäs on FuturICT |
Dirk Helbing's Presentation of the FuturICT Project Participatory Computing for Our Complex world. |
Dirk Helbing on Sinergia (Arts Santa Mònica). Jan 23, 2012 | |
Dirk Helbing's talk at ICASP11: The FuturICT Knowledge Accelerator To Explore and Manage our Connected World. August 2, 2011. | |
Dirk Helbing's talk at Game Theory and Society: Towards Simulating the Foundations of Society: On the Emergence of Cooperation, Conflict, Social Norms and Costly Punishment. July 28, 2011. | |
Dirk Helbing's talk inZurich: The FuturICT Knowledge Accelerator: New Recipies against Socio-Economic Earthquakes. June 23, 2011. | |
Dirk Helbing's talk about FuturICT at Queen Mary University of London. March 29, 2011. | |
Dirk Helbing's talk in Rome: The FuturICT Crisis-Relief System: Unleashing the Power of Information for a Sustainable Future. October 11, 2010. | |
Dirk Helbing's talk at ECCS'10 in Lisbon: The FuturICT crises relief project: Unleashing the power of information for a sustainable future. September 14, 2010. | |
Dirk Helbing's introduction: FuturICT | |
Dirk Helbing's GSD BIG-STEP conference: The FuturICT Knowledge Accelerator | |
Dirk Helbing's Video Interview for Arts Santa Monica. | |
ECCS'09 Plenary Talk on "Cooperation, Norms and Revolutions: A Unified Game-Theoretical Approach" | |
Video Lectures of the International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems 2009. | |
Video Lectures of the International Workshop on Challenges and Visions in the Social Sciences 2008. | |
Video Lectures of the ECCS'07 (European Conference on Complex Systems). | |
View the inaugural lecture of Dirk Helbing. |
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