Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation

Analytical Theory of Traffic Flows, Empirical Facts and Scientific Controversies Related to Them

1. Micro-Macro Link: Theoretical Derivation of "Macroscopic" Fluid-Dynamic Traffic Equations from "Microscopic" Car-Following Models

2. Linear Instability Analysis, Requiem of Second-Order Traffic Flow Models, and Controversy on Characteristic Speeds

3. Non-Linear Instability Analysis, Metastable Traffic Flows, Critical Perturbation Amplitudes, and Characteristic Constants

4. Effects of Bottlenecks, Classification of Spatio-Temporal Traffic Patterns and Conditions for their Occurence

5. Effects of Heterogeneous Driver-Vehicle Units and Multi-Lane Interactions

6. Effects of Fluctuations/Noise/Stochasticity

7. Network Flows with Merges, Diverges, and Intersections; Urban Fundamental Diagram

8. Traffic Optimization and Control

9. Empirical Facts and Controversy regarding "Synchronized Traffic", "Pinch Effect", and "Three Phase Traffic Theory"

10. Reviews




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